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Time to Talk Blog

‘The power of open-mindedness’

Due to busy lifestyles, high demands, massive amounts of (digital) input and poor diets, we tend to take ‘short cuts’ to keep things manageable. I think it’ll serve you -no matter what you do- but especially when working with big little miracles like kids (whether you’re a parent, auntie, teacher, psychologist), to try to keep an open mind despite the current circumstances, by taking these into account as well, instead of looking at a child in a vacuum.

Whenever problematic behaviour occurs, try to ask yourself why it may occur instead of judging/labeling it straight away (‘because there’s already too much on your plate.. which.. to be honest.. isn’t or shouldn’t become the child’s problem).

Be your own devils’ advocate and try to see the child in the environment it grows up in, as well as seeing what his/her strengths are, next to the behaviour you wish to see less of.

Behaviour, especially when they’re still tiny, is a wonderful tool for kids to express themselves. If it’s (very) problematic, the child (and you) may need high quality support, not poor quality limited thinking, to get to the core of the situation and to a long term solution.

Self-reflect every once in a while. What can you do differently that will impact this situation positively? Focus more on the good? Ignore more of the annoying but not necessarily ’to be corrected’ behaviour? Go to bed earlier?

It may be somewhat confrontational but taking a closer look at yourself, often gives you a clearer picture of the child(ren) around you.